Thursday, April 26, 2018

Have you tried investing in UITF?

      I have joined or started in UITF last January 2017, we invested in Metrobank for conservative and aggressive type of investment. UITF or Unit Investment Trust Fund is a pool of investments funded by investors. By September we withdrew the conservative (Metro Money Market Fund) first because we need it and it gained 9.84% only for 9 months, not bad at all compare to regular savings bank account. By October we withdrew the aggressive (Metro PSEi Tracker Fund) with 19.82% gain for 10 months. This is much higher compare to the conservative. You may check for ROI (return of investment) for each type of investment of the member banks. Well the higher the gain, the higher the possibility of loss.
    We started again this January 2018 in Metrobank and Security Bank with lower amount for a longer period of time. And trying to add if we have extra money. As of this writing, our investments are negative. It is the right time to invest or buy units if the navpu (net asset value per unit) is lower or if the stock market is down.
    How to invest? You may start investing with only P5,000.00 minimum for Metrobank and P10,000.00 minimum with the other banks. They may require you to open a regular savings account, proof of billing and of course two valid IDs. You may enroll your account online so that you can monitor and you can subscribe/withdraw your funds easier.
    There are types of UITF investments to choose from conservative, moderately conservative, moderately aggressive and aggressive.
1. Conservative are those money market fund and time deposits that is good for short term period like 6 months.
2. Moderately conservative are government bonds and corporate bonds for at least 1 year term.
3. Moderately aggressive are the balanced fund for 1-3 years term.
4. Aggressive are the stocks or equity good for 1-3 years term.
      For more details and information, you can check Go search and read before you invest. Don't put all your eggs in one basket it's better to put them in different investments. Good luck and happy investing.

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